Antonio Cazzamali
Italian (1934)
About the artist:
Antonio Cazzamali was born in Milan in 1934. His father, a decorator-painter born in Vaiano Cremasco tried to get him into his own art, but Antonio didn't want to know at first; after the death of his father he had an afterthought and from 1953 he devoted himself actively to painting. Painter and sculptor, present on the art scene for many years, he is also dedicated to graphics and goldsmith art. He is one of the greatest exponents of space painting, with whom he has gained great fame. He has exhibited in Italy and abroad, in solo and group exhibitions, in New York, Milan, Turin, Rome, Basel, Champion of Italy, Catania, Sanremo, Stresa, Genoa and in many other cities. He has received prestigious awards and acknowledgments, the Ambrogino d’Oro of the Municipality of Milan, the medal of the Thirty Year of the Italian Republic and the Cup of the Minister of Tourism. He is a member of the Honorary Cultural Academy of Europe. He illustrated series of science fiction books and scientific texts and is present with several works in the Mondial Art collection in Milan. His works are present both in public and private collections, both Italian and foreign, in the museums of Rome, Turin, Milan, Arona, Livorno and at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of Washington. From 4 to 14 January 1972 he represented the city of Milan at the Palace of Art at the 5th Biennial of Art in Rome. On March 5, 2009, Antonio Cazzamali was contacted by the prestigious French Publishing House Grund to be included in the famous E. Benezit Art Encyclopedia. It is also included in the following art dictionaries: BENEZIT (Grund) Masters of the Palette (Mondial Art) I.E.D.A. Encyclopedia 10 volumes Italian art in the 20th century (Due Torri) Encyclopedia 6 volumes Art Basel 4/73 Internationale Kunstmesse Art and Artists over time (La Pleiade Milano) Repertoire of Contemporary Art (Ursini Edition) Italian Modern Art Yearbook (A.C.C.A.) Review of Contemporary Italian Art (Assoc.Romana cent.Stor) Figurative Line (Bugatti Edition) Panorama of Art 1975 (Magalini Edition) Painting and Sculpture of today (Ed. Panepinto) The Centaur 2nd volume (Ed. Panepinto) Contemporary Italian Artists (EIAC Yearbook) Italy Artistic (Ed. Magalini) The painters of Sant 'Ambroeus (1969 - 1971) 1975 Figurative Line (Ed. Marzio Bugatti) Artistic Europe (Magalini Brescia Edition) Basic Art Directory No. 1 (Program Editor, Turin) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Contemporary Art 1992 (Ed. ALBA) Biennial Selection of Art of Italian Painters (Ed. Jean Francois) Critics Echo 1973 - 1974 (Ed. Donadei) Great Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Art (Ed. ALBA) The Protagonists of 20th Century Art (Ed. Gavino Usai) Painting and Sculpture of Contemporary Italy (Ed. ALFA CARPI) Critical Sculptor Painters and Contemporary Collectors (Ed. Donadei) Quotations and prices of contemporary Italian artists (Falossi) Il Quadrato 1971/72/75 (Falossi edition) THE ELIT 1975/80/82/89/90/91/92/93/94/95/2009/2013 (Ed. Perdicaro) Piccioli Edition Encyclopedia Comanducci Yearbook The Italo Edition Triangle - Switzerland Biennial Art Selection (Ed. Jean Francois Robert) Fine Art in Italy Painers Sculpter Engravers
Antonio Cazzamali was born in Milan in 1934. His father, a decorator-painter born in Vaiano Cremasco tried to get him into his own art, but Antonio didn't want to know at first; after the death of his father he had an afterthought and from 1953 he