Avi Farin
Turkish (1943–2022)
About the artist:
Born in Istanbul, Turkey, June 22, 1943, Avi Farin became orphaned at the age of four. Farin was brought to Israel by ship, but directly rerouted to the island of Cypress, where Farin was interned within British Camps for Refugees, by Britain. Eventually, he continued his journey to Israel, on the historical ship "EXODUS," and was placed, in the care of the Israeli government, as an orphan. At this time, Farin was entered into the Pardess Hanna Youth Village School, under the tutelage of Mr. Tokaier, Farin's teacher and guidance counselor. It was here, that Farin's high degree of artistic abilities, both in music and art were discovered. Tokaier, was instrumental in guiding and encouraging Farin to pursue his talents. Later, Farin was promoted to the Youth Village High School, in Jerusalem, where under the watchful eye of Dr. Sofie Rogalsky (second to the Ministry of Welfare), Farin's talents developed. Farin pursued his talents with a fervor, receiving a governmental scholarship to Jerusalem's Academy of Art, donated by the toy store owner of FAO Schwartz, in New York, allowing him to attend the Bezalel Academy of Art, in Jerusalem. Upon completion of his schooling, Farin served in the Israeli Army, mandatory of all Israeli citizens. After Farin completed his duty in the army, he was offered a contract, in a New York City Nightclub, as a drummer, which Farin accepted. Once in New York, Farin Attended the Port Washington School of Art by day and performed on drums by night. Farin furthered his education at the Pratt Institute of Graphic Arts and the Center for the Media Art. At the present time, Farin has been commissioned by the Village Gate of New York to do 12 new posters for world renowned Jazz Musicians including such greats as Charlie Parker, Oscar Peterson and Billie Holiday to name a few. He has also been commissioned by the United Nations director and designer of official postage stamps, involving countries around the world. Throughout his prestigious career, Farin has participated in approximately 21 group art shows, nine "one man" exclusive shows, has his work hanging in three museums and has achieved the prestigious honor of being named "Official Artist For The United Nations' Tolerance Day ( November 2001). Farin continues to be nationally and internationally recognized and acclaimed as a multifaceted highly talented artist with many commercially successful posters and works of art on paper, as well as his etchings and modernistic canvas paintings, created with brilliant colors only Farin has the recipe for. Avi Farin currently reside in New York and has an exceptional art gallery/studio in New York City where his extraordinary talents continue to develop and flourish. Commissions 8/03"International Works On Paper" Group show as Monique Goldstrom Gallery SoHo, NY 6/03"Official Artist For The World Bank Organization" Washington, D.C. 6/03 - 10/03Group Show In the President's Gallery, World Bank Organization, Washington D.C. 1/03"Commissioned by the Village Gate" to do 12 new posters for world renowned jazz greats 3/02 - 4/02Group Show In "THe William Whipple Gallery, Southwest" State University, Marshall, Minnesota 11/02 - 12/02Group Show at Monique Goldstrom Gallery, SoHo, NY 11/02"One Man Show" New York City 11/02"Official Artist & Lead Designer For The World Trade Forum" Hong Kong, China 11/01"Official artist for the "Day of Tolerance" for the United Nations 1995 - Present Design/ production for the United Nations Official postage stamps worldwide '94AGA American Association - Cover Design '89Red Sea International Jazz Festival in Eilat, Israel - Official Israeli Poster '85One hour documentary movie filmed at the famous "Blue Note" jazz club "The Village and All the Jazz" featuring Dizzy Gillespie, Phil Woods, Carmen McRea, and Bobby McFarrin - Directed by Avi Farin for Cable Television in NYC. Art Expo at the New York Coliseum - Poster Art Expo West, Los Angeles, CA - Poster '81Sydney International Jazz Festival, Sydney Australia Stanley Turentine, Concert at Carnegie Hall, NYC "Art Commitment & Communication" Art Show '80"Festival of the Nile" featuring Liz Taylor, Frank Sinatra, & Dizzy Gelespie, Cairo, Egypt - Official Poster '79Joe Pass Concert, at the Village Gate - Poster Herbie mann, Concert at the VIllage Gate - Poster '78Washington Art, Washington, D.C. - official poster The Village Gate - landmark piece, -official poster '77Tucci Art Deco Fashion - Poster '76American Painters in Paris - Palais Des Congress - Poster
Born in Istanbul, Turkey, June 22, 1943, Avi Farin became orphaned at the age of four. Farin was brought to Israel by ship, but directly rerouted to the island of Cypress, where Farin was interned within British Camps for Refugees, by Britain.