Carol Bouyoucos
About the artist:
I began work on a series of computer generated quilts in response to a popular notion that "computer art" is like dayglo paint on black velvet - the medium is more of a focal point than the subject. The quilt as an art form is based on fundamental principles of design and is a "homemade" symbol of american heritage. The nature of quilting is that the overall pattern is achieved by adding individual pieces of fabric - one by one. The coputer reconstructs and redefines the quilt formula the same way - shape by shape. The pixel structuring of each shape adds a rich textural quality, like fabric, to the image. I like working with a computer, but I like creating images that challenge the perception that coputers dictate the look and feel of an image. My contention is that it is possible to create stronger interest in the image than in how it is produced. The strong the dichotomy between image and medium, the more ineteresting the medium is to work in. I'd like to state for the record that I have never bought " art" at a Sunoco service station. -Carol Bouyoucos from the Visual Chemistry Booklet, Shop these digital quilt designs online today.
I began work on a series of computer generated quilts in response to a popular notion that "computer art" is like dayglo paint on black velvet - the medium is more of a focal point than the subject. The quilt as an art form is based on fundamental