Claudio Juarez
Peruvian (1938–2001)
About the artist:
Claudio Juarez was born in 1938 in Ayacucho, Peru. He studied painting and printing in the Escuela nacional de Bellas Artes de Lima, Peru. In 1960 he was granted a fellowship to continue his studies at the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro. A year later he received another scholarship from the Galouste Gulbekian and traveled to Paris where he taught and worked with Stanley William Hayter. After traveling and teaching in Spain, Portugal, Norway and Denmark he settled in New York in 1969. During his forty years as a master printer he traveled extensively throughout the world and created over 7,000 prints. His prints show extraordinary technical virtuosity through finely graded color, varying reliefs and textures and the use of powdered resins. Exhibitions: He was in the 2000 Y2K International Exhibition of Prints, Taiwan. He has exhibited in Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Caracas, Habana, Sao Paulo, Santiago de Chile, San Juan, Cali, Madrid, Segovia, Buenos Aires, Ibiza, Lisbon, Cracow, Venice, Florence, New York, Miami, New Jersey, Washington DC, Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa, Honolulu, Lugano, Geneva, Oslo, Copenhagen, to name a few. Collections: his works are displayed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; bibliotheque National, Paris; National Museum of Art, Toronto; Public Library of New York; Trenton National Museum; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; Museo del Barrio, New York and other museums around the world. He also participated in many competitions and received many awards for his works.
Claudio Juarez was born in 1938 in Ayacucho, Peru. He studied painting and printing in the Escuela nacional de Bellas Artes de Lima, Peru. In 1960 he was granted a fellowship to continue his studies at the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro. A