Dale Laun

American (1939–2018)

About the artist:

Dale Laun was an American Hard-Edge artist who created hard-edge graphics reminiscent of the works of fellow artists like Josef Albers and Piet Mondrian. He was a student at the State College of Iowa (SCI - now the University of Northern Iowa) where he was a member of the Art club and pledged to Kappa Pi, the national art fraternity. He graduated as part of the class of 1960.

Following his graduation, he regularly participated in solo and group exhibitions, including some shown at his alma mater. In an interview for the SCI newspaper - The College Eye - in 1965 regarding one of his on-campus exhibitions, this was reported:

"Hard-edge" paintings are those with sharp boundaries between colors, as opposed to those which blend together and have no distinct boundaries.

Laun's paintings are carefully controlled studies in vertical forms. The canvases are smooth surfaced areas of carefully chosen colors that are flat or semi-flat in character. All the areas of the canvas are covered with two coats of paint because Laun feels that the second covering brings out the true strength and value of hue.

"'MY HARD-EDGE' painting is not geometric," says Laun. "I feel my work relies more on intuition which is really the careful adjustment of relationships until they feel right. There is no way to prove they are right so they can't be geometric."

Of his exhibit, Laun says, "My paintings speak more profoundly than any statements about them could...the paintings are the statements."

Laun passed away in Rochester, NY in 2018.

Dale Laun

American (1939–2018)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Dale Laun was an American Hard-Edge artist who created hard-edge graphics reminiscent of the works of fellow artists like Josef Albers and Piet Mondrian. He was a student at the State College of Iowa (SCI - now the University of Northern Iowa) where

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