Daphné Du Barry

Dutch (1950)

About the artist:

Daphné Du Barry is born on 5 July 1950 on Avenue Utrechtseweg on the banks of the Rhein in Arnhem, capital of Holland's Gueldre region. After secondary studies at the grammarschool in her hometown, she studied languages at Munich University and, subsequently, at Mac Gill in Canada. Daphné speaks seven languages fluently. Later she studied Modern Literature for three years at the Sorbonne in Paris. In 1971 she met the publicist and artcritic Jean-Claude Du Barry in Salvador Dali's house in Cadaques in Spain, she and Jean-Claude were to marry a few years later. Daphne enjoyed a short vocal career in the field of variety recording 45 rpm records on the Philips label, including "Porto Vecchio" (with words by Didier Barbelivien) which was a hit in the summer of 1982. Subsequently she studied design for five years in Paris with the Hungarian Master Akos Szabo. Then she encounters Marcello Tommasi in Florence, one of the greatest masters of classical figurative sculpture in Italy,and enters his workshop as his pupil. At the same time she enters the Academy of art and Design in the Medici city. Leading female representative of the classic figurative style, she has a perfect grasp of proportion, of the contour of bodies and a sense of the transcendent. One is constantly surprised by the inexhaustible variety of her themes and the consistency of her style. Her pasion for the beauty of the bodies stems from an almost ideal inspiration, but it's the charm of the intelligence rather than of the senses that captivates us. The work of Daphné Du Barry deepens our understanding of the magisterial remarkof Ingres : "There are not two arts, there is only one : that wich is based upon Beauty, eternal and natural".

Daphné Du Barry

Dutch (1950)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Daphné Du Barry is born on 5 July 1950 on Avenue Utrechtseweg on the banks of the Rhein in Arnhem, capital of Holland's Gueldre region. After secondary studies at the grammarschool in her hometown, she studied languages at Munich University

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