Dennis Luzak

American (1939)

About the artist:

He lives in Conneticut, is a painter of portraits, landscapes and still lifes. Our Home Is The Sea was his first children's book. Luzak went to Hong Kong for this book so that he could get a firsthand impression of the city's "colors, noises, and crowds, and a clearer understanding of the culture." It seems he was also a teacher at Paier College of Art in Hamden, Connecticut.

Dennis Luzak

American (1939)

(1 works)

About the artist:

He lives in Conneticut, is a painter of portraits, landscapes and still lifes. Our Home Is The Sea was his first children's book. Luzak went to Hong Kong for this book so that he could get a firsthand impression of the city's "colors, noises, and

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