Diane Anderson


About the artist:

Diane Anderson, born in Chicago, has developed a national following as a landscape artist. The daughter of a commercial artist, Anderson's inclination toward art began at an early age. This self-taught artist is an implicit reflection of her superior discipline. Her routine includes painting every morning for four hours and then again in the evening for another five hours. For over two decades, this unique contemporary watercolorist has explored and studied innovative, creative applications for her medium of preference.

After graduating from the University of Iowa, she devoted herself to a career in art, working long and hard to refine her considerable artistic talents. With her mastery of watercolors and eye for detail, Diane strives to create in her landscapes not so much a scene as a feeling; not so much a place as a memory. A sunlit clearing in the forest, a placid meadow pond, or a waterfall shrouded in early morning mist - these are the kinds of chance, momentary encounters Diane recreates.

Since deciding to pursue a full-time career as an artist in 1978, the Chicago-born artist has exhibited extensively in New York, South Florida, and throughout the United States in various shows. Purchase one of her landscape artworks online.

Diane Anderson


(2 works)

About the artist:

Diane Anderson, born in Chicago, has developed a national following as a landscape artist. The daughter of a commercial artist, Anderson's inclination toward art began at an early age. This self-taught artist is an implicit reflection of her

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