Dody Müller
About the artist:
The paintings of Dody Muller are rich with suggestion. The subject matter of these works is always ambiguous. Muller is absorbed with a number of recurring themes, horses, birds, winged figures, etc. These subjects recur in her works in varying contexts. The central figure in these canvasses float across an undifferentiated background which is frequently rather arbitrary in its treatment of space. Careful examination of these backgrounds reveal elements common to other pieces. The recurring symbols appear cryptic but are rather expressions of a romantic, perhaps even innocent nature. The handling of space in these pieces is somewhat reminiscent of collage. Most canvasses are divided into areas, each with its own persistent theme. These surfaces mesh, intersect, and intrude upon each other in charming and surprising combinations. Also, Muller likes to surprise us by integrating unrelated subjects into her canvass, a photograph, or perhaps a nude whose scale is entirely out of proportion with the rest of the painting. Muller's paintings employ a generous palette of rich and pleasing colors, which she combines with facility. She also has a gift for juxtaposing areas which play against each other in extremely pleasing rhythms. Muller's work is highly personal, and in no way derivative. These lumindus visions are clearly a response to a lively and vivid inner reality. They are a graphic, concrete representation of a beautiful world of fantasy. One of Muller's persistent obsessions seems to be flight, often seen in the flight of winged figures and birds. The canvasses evoke the vividly beautiful, yet somewhat disconnected quality of a dream. There is a consistently disturbing undercurrent in these pieces. Take, for example, "the Cat," which is upon first glance a perfectly ordinary study in the brilliant colors of a cat. However, upon closer examination this cat is not so charming. Indeed, there is something bizarre about it. Dody Muller's is a developing talent which is constantly being refined. She is an interesting and uniquely individual painter. INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS 1979Noho Gallery, New York 1971Sonraed Gallery, New York 1969Sonraed Gallery, New York 1965Gallerie Anderson, Paris Gallerie Lutece, Paris 1961Parma Gallery, New York 1960Parma Gallery, New York 1959Hansa Gallery, New York 1958Hansa Gallery, New York 1957Sun Gallery, Provincetown, Mass. 1956Sun Gallery, Provincetown, Mass. COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 1979Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, Maryland "Art in Bloom" Noho Gallery, New York 1978"Artists as Living Sculpture," benefit for Public Arts, Cultural Affairs, O.K. Harris Gallery, New York Noho Gallery, New York "Day's Lumberyard Studloes," Provincetown Art Assoc., Provincetown, Mass. 1977"10th Street Days," Landmark Gallery and Noho Gallery, New York 1976Noho Gallery 1975"Color, Light, Image," Women In the Arts (W.l.A.), New York 1975Landmark Gallery 1975"Soho Comes to the Suburbs," Cultural Arts Center, New City, N.Y Bayonne Community Center, Bayonne, N.J. 1974Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Fla. "Contemporary Religious Painting in America," Landmark Gallery, New York Prince Street Gallery, New York 1973New York Cultural Center, New York "Women Choose Women" Prince Street Gallery, New York 1972Watergate Gallery, Washington, D.C. 1971Watergate Gallery, New York Fontana Gallery, Narberth, Penn. 1970Sonraed Gallery, New York 1968Musee des Arts et 1 'Industrie, Saint- Etienne, France Palais Grnavelle, Besancon, France 1967Musee Calvet, Avignon, France Maison de Ia Culture, Amiens, France Maison de Ia Culture, Bourges, France Musee des Beaux Arts, Nancy, France Musee Fabre, Montpellier, France "Group '67-U.S.A.," American Cultural Center, Paris Fontana Gallery, Narberth, Penn. 1966"Art Vivant," Musee des Augustins, Toulouse, France Gallerie Anderson, Paris Gallerie Lutece, Paris 1965Gallerie Anderson, Paris Gallerie Lutece, Paris 1964"Signal," 6 American Artists, American Cultural Center, Paris 1963H.C.E. Gallery, Provincetown, Mass. Atelier 6, Paris Atelier Tombe Issoire, Paris 1961Museum of Fine Arts, Fort Worth, Texas Parma Gallery, New York Atelier 6, Paris Ellison Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas Quay Gallery, San Francisco 1961-70Fontana Gallery, Narberth, Penn. 1961-66H.C.E. Gallery, Provincetown, Mass. 1960-61American Gallery, New York 1960-62Parma Gallery, New York 1960Roland de Aenelle Gallery, New York Delancey Street Museum, New York 1959Aegis Gallery, New York 1959-61Nonagon Gallery, New York l959-6OJames Gallery, New York l958-50Esther Stuttman Gallery, New York 1958-59March Gallery, New York 1956-58Sun Gallery, Provincetown, Mass. 1956-58Tanager Gallery, New York 1953-54New York University Gallery, New York 1957-58New York University Gallery, New York 1951-52Forum Gallery, New York 1948-5ODallas Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas, Texas
The paintings of Dody Muller are rich with suggestion. The subject matter of these works is always ambiguous. Muller is absorbed with a number of recurring themes, horses, birds, winged figures, etc. These subjects recur in her works in varying