Doug Plummer


About the artist:

Passion and collaboration drive Doug's career. His quest for mastery and growth in his craft has been core to his long photographic life.

His daily practice of finding a compelling image, no matter the situation, keeps his eye limber and constantly active. He has maintained his photo-a-day blog, without missing a day, since 2005.

His passion projects have included an in depth exploration of the landscape, music and dance of the west of Ireland (in black and white panoramic format), building an impressive life list of birds seen around the world, and a multi-decade project to document the joy and bliss to be found in traditional music and social dance, particularly contra dancing.

Doug Plummer


(1 works)

About the artist:

Passion and collaboration drive Doug's career. His quest for mastery and growth in his craft has been core to his long photographic life. His daily practice of finding a compelling image, no matter the situation, keeps his eye limber and constantly

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