About the artist:
Farid Haddad, a painter and media artist, graduated from the AUB Department of Fine Arts and Performing Arts in 1969 (BA). He holds an MFA in painting and drawing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. From the mid- to late 1970s, he taught drawing and painting at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and since 1979 he has been on the faculty of the Department of Art and Art History at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire. He is a former Fulbright Scholar (1972) and is a recipient of two Individual Artist Grants from the NH State Council on the Arts (1983 and 1984). His early works as a painter dealt with color field painting, and in the early eighties he turned to an art based on experimental abstraction. He has had one-person exhibitions in Beirut, Kuwait City, Rome, New York, Paris, Milwaukee, WI, and Henniker, NH. The artist has also participated in more than forty group shows (since 1968) in Europe, the Middle East and North America.