Friedrich Bernhard Werner

Polish (1690–1778)

About the artist:

Friedrich Bernhard Werner could be called a pictorial "chronicler" of not only Breslau, but many other parts of Silesia. In mid-18th century he produced a large number of color drawings depicting the city as it then was. He was also fairly meticulous - a lot of his drawings have various explanatory notes (in German, Latin and sometimes Italian) scribbled over them. Sometimes particular buildings depicted in his drawings are numbered, so that they could be then identified in a list placed to the side of the image. As you look at these images please bear in mind that Werner was not a well accomplished artist. In some of his drawings he takes liberties with perspective and general layout of the buildings. Nevertheless his work is extremely valuable and offers a fascinating view of 18th-century Breslau.

Friedrich Bernhard Werner

Polish (1690–1778)

(2 works)

About the artist:

Friedrich Bernhard Werner could be called a pictorial "chronicler" of not only Breslau, but many other parts of Silesia. In mid-18th century he produced a large number of color drawings depicting the city as it then was. He was also fairly

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