Jean Frances Schonwalter


About the artist:

Jean Frances Schonwalter was born on April 22, 1919, raised in Philadelphia, and attended Moore College Art and Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. Exhibitions include: Library of Congress; New Jersey State Museum, Boston Museum, Butler Institute of Art, Youngstown, OH; National Academy of Design; Schoneman Galleries., NYC, 1970s. Awards: Pennypacker Prize for graphics, SAGA, 1966; purchase prize, New Jersey State Museum, 1967; first prize & medal of honor for graphic, National Association of Women Artists, 1971. She was a member of Artists Equity Assn. NJ; Society of Graphic Arts; New Jersey Art Association; National Association of Women Artists. Collections: Philadelphia Museum of Art; NJ State Museum, Trenton; Boston Museum; Slater Mus., Norwich, CT; New York Public Library Commissions: two paintings of Temple B'Nai Jeshurun, NJ. Schonwalter died in West Orange, New Jersey on June 13, 1998.

Jean Frances Schonwalter


(1 works)

About the artist:

Jean Frances Schonwalter was born on April 22, 1919, raised in Philadelphia, and attended Moore College Art and Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. Exhibitions include: Library of Congress; New Jersey State Museum, Boston Museum, Butler Institute of

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