Maty Grunberg

Israeli (1943)

About the artist:

Maty Grunberg (Hebrew מתי גרינברג) born 1943, is an Israeli sculptor and known also for his Artist Books. Maty Grunberg was born in Skopia, Macedonia, the former Yugoslavia. In the year 1948 M.G. immigrated to Israel with his parents and sister Liora. They were part of the remnants of Yugoslavian Jewry escaping from Europe. He grew up in Bat-yam, a small beach town south to Tel-Aviv. His father, Leo, was an engineer and an inventor. His mother, Bella Kimchi, was a descendent of an old family coming from Toledo, Spain. M.G. finished "with honor" his studies in "Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design", Jerusalem (1964–66) and continued for his M.A. degree in "Central School of Art and Design" in London (1969–71). He lived and worked in London and New-York for 44 years. 2007 he came back to Israel and opened the Studio in Bat-yam. His 3 children - Allona is a Public Relation Manager, Bat-Ami is a drama teacher and David is an Architect. M.G. started to develop 3 dimensional paper sculptures during the seventies and goes on developing these works till today. Paper Erosion works were first exhibited in London on 1977 and in New-York on 1978 and last in Tel-Aviv on 2012. Environmental sculptures 1985 – "The Jerusalem Gates" – M.G. has worked closely with architect Moshe Safdie and sculpted a series of 3 bronze gates for Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC) Jerusalem. Also created for HUC a relief – "Menorah – The Tree of Life" and a relief - "Dove of Jerusalem". 1988 - "Menorah – Tree of Knowledge" façade of Hebrew Union College, (HUC) New-York, with architect Max Abramowitz. 1988 - "The Garden of Boca Raton", a series of bronze sculptures, Industrial Hi-Tech complex, Boca Raton, Florida. 1999 - "Sundial sculpture", bronze, private garden in Ascot, England 2000 - "Sundial sculpture", bronze, in front of the entrance of New-York Hall of Science. 2013 – "Sundial sculpture", stone and bronze, Teddy Park, Jerusalem.

Maty Grunberg

Israeli (1943)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Maty Grunberg (Hebrew מתי גרינברג) born 1943, is an Israeli sculptor and known also for his Artist Books. Maty Grunberg was born in Skopia, Macedonia, the former Yugoslavia. In the year 1948 M.G. immigrated to Israel with his parents and

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