Mikhail Turovsky
Russian (1933)
About the artist:
Mikhail Turovsky is an American artist-painter, and writer-aphorist, resident of New York since 1979. Early life and education Mikhail Turovsky was born in 1933 in Kiev. During the Second World War, he was evacuated to Samarkand with his mother and an older brother. Although over the draft age, his father volunteered for active duty and was killed in action in 1943. Turovsky attended the art school in Samarkand. His classmates included Ilya Kabakov (later a noted conceptualist artist). Turovsky returned to Kiev in 1944 and continued his studies at the Shevchenko State Art School. He later graduated from Kiev Art Institute, where he studied under Tetyana Yablonska in 1960. He continued his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Academy of Art from 1965 until 1968. Marriage and family Turovsky married, and he and his wife had a son and daughter. Roman Turovsky is a painter and composer and Genya Turovskaya is a poet. Career Turovsky commenced a prolific creative career in 1957, participating in numerous exhibitions of Ukrainian art in Kiev, Moscow, as well as in many traveling exhibitions to Europe and Latin America. In 1962 he became a member of the Union of Artists of USSR. 2009 MEMENTO, Exhibition at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. New York, N.Y., USA HOLOCAUST, Exhibition at the United Nations Organization, New York. N.Y. USA 2007 Celia Guedj Gallery, Lyon, France 2006 Savannah College of Art and Design, Red Gallery; Savannah, GA, USA. 2005 Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA. Arles, Chapelle de St. Anne. "Tribute to Van Gogh". Sponsored by Municipality of Arles, France. 2004 Adler Gallery, Paris, France. 2002 EuropeArt, Geneva, Switzerland. 2001 The National Art Museum of Ukraine; Kiev, Ukraine. 1999 Maecenas Foundation Exhibition; Venice, Italy. In conjunction with Venice Biennale. 1998 Najera Mundi Ars Gallery; Madrid, Spain. 1997 Hotel SAS Radisson; Nice, France. 1996 Celia Guedj Gallery; Lyon, France. 1995 Zalman Gallery; New York, NY, USA. East Lake Gallery; New York, NY, USA. Artco Contemporain Gallery; Paris, France. 1994 City Hall, Brussels; Sponsored by Municipality of Brussels. Artco Contemporain Gallery; Paris, France. 1993 Danielle Gauthier Gallery; Deauville, France. Appia Gallery; Grenoble, France. 1992 Artco Contemporain Gallery; Paris, France. 1991 Palais de Congres de Paris; Paris, France; Sponsored by Mr. Jean Tiberi. Gallery de Beaux Arts; Bordeaux, France; Sponsored by Mr. Jacques Chaban-Delmas. Gallery Pont de la Machine; Geneva, Switzerland; Sponsored by the Municipality of Geneva. PLM la Bataliere; Martinique; Sponsored by Mr. Emile Maurice, Consul General of Martinique. 1990 Palais de Congres de Paris; Paris, France; Sponsored by Mr. Jean Tiberi. Palais des Expositions du Quay Bondy; Lyon, France; Sponsored by the Municipality of Lyon. Palais Rihour; Lille, France; Sponsored by Mr. Pierre Mauroy. The Interchurch Center; New York, NY, USA. 1989 Artco Gallery; San Juan, Puerto Rico. Joseph Gallery, Hebrew Union College; New York, NY, USA; Sponsored by the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum. Yad Vashem Memorial Art Museum; Jerusalem, Israel; Sponsored by the Yad Vashem Memorial and EL AL Airlines. 1975 The State Ukrainian Art Museum; Kiev, Ukraine; Sponsored by The Union of Creative Artists of the Ukraine. The Exhibition Halls of The Union of Creative Artists of the Ukraine in Odessa, Lvov, and Donetsk, Ukraine. Traveling exhibitions in cities of the former Soviet Union. BACK Selected Public Collections The National Art Museum of Ukraine; Kiev, Ukraine. The State Tretiakov Gallery; Moscow, Russia. Herbert Johnson Museum of Art (Cornell University); Ithaca, NY, USA. Hofstra University Museum; Hempstead, NY, USA. Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame; Notre Dame, IN, USA. Savannah College of Art and Design; Savannah, GA, USA J.L. Magnus Museum, Berkely, CA, USA Yad Vashem Memorial Art Museum, Jerusalem, Israel Lohamei Hagetaot Museum; Israel. Lvov Museum of Art; Lvov, Ukraine. Odessa Museum of Art; Odessa, Ukraine. Harkov Museum of Art; Harkov, Ukraine. AWARDS Gold Medal of the City of Lille Publications by Mikhail Turovsky Itch of Wisdom (in Russian); Tzikuta Press, 1986 NY. Itch of Wisdom (in English); Hemlock Press, 1990 NY. Antology of 20th Century Russian Satire and Humor: Aphorisms & Caricatures, EKSMO, Moscow, Russia. BACK Selected Bibliography 2005 Chelsea Art Museum Exhibition Catalogue (introductory essay by Serge Lenczner, NYC, USA) NOMI (Noviy Mir Iskusstva 4/45/2005, "Large Bodies: Great Success" by Serge Hollerbach, St. Petersburg, Russia) Fine Art Magazine (Fall 2005, "Mikhail Turovsky: Landscapes of the Flesh Traversed By the Soul" by Serge Leczner, NYC, USA) 2004 Monograph "MIKHAIL TUROVSKY" (Introductory article by Xavier Xuriguera, text by Serge Lenczner), Editions Sauveur Attard, France 2003 Fine Art Magazine (Spring 2003, "Transcending Time: Turovsky creates his own Era" by Jamie Ellin Forbes, NYC, USA) 2001 Catalogue for the retrospective exhibition at the National Art Museum of Ukraine, articles by Robert Morgan, Greg Kopelyan, Dmytro Horbachov) "Quarterly Report: Mikhail Turovsky", Natalia Romanova, Kiev Telegraph, June 11; Kiev, Ukraine. "Utopian Road", Elena Stogol, Afisha #11, June 13; Kiev, Ukraine. "Homecoming", Tetiana Horunja, Power and Politics, #24-25; Kiev, Ukraine. 2000 "Mikhail Turovsky: Interview", Art Panorama, November; Kiev, Ukraine. 1999 "Le ossessioni di Turovsky", E.D.M., Il Gazzetino, July 28; Venice, Italy. Le Monde, June 14; Paris, France 1998 "La vie au bout des doigts de Mikhail Turovsky", Christine Rinaudo, Nice Matin, February 12; Nice, France. 1994 "Mikhail Turovsky, Un Peintre Venu du Froid", Martine Dubois, La Libre Belgique, April 6; Brussels, Belgium. "Turovsky, Peintre da la Liberte", Marie-Christine Abalain, Le Var Nice-Matine, June 7; Nice, France. "Turovsky expose au Prao", Ch. L., Le Var-Nice Matin, June 7; Nice, France "Mikhail Turovsky: Un Peintre Russe a Saint Tropez, Le Var-Nice Matin, June 3; Nice, France. 1993 "Turovsky a Nice", Frederick Altmann, Nice Matin, January 2; Nice France. 1991 Martine Broda, La Nouvelle Observateur, October 14; Paris, France. "Turovsky, La Dissidence en Peinture", Patrick Bertomeau, Bordeaux Matin, February 19; Bordeaux, France. "Un Moderne Classicisme", B. F., Courier Francais, March 1; Bordeaux, France. "Turovsky Le Fond, d'Abord", Sud Quest, April 26; Pau, France. "Turovsky L'Histoire en Direct", Art et Valeurs #23; France. "Turovsky, Le Genie Qui Vient L'est", Catherine Prelaz, La Suisse, November 8; Geneva, Switzerland. "Turovsky: Lui Ouvre les Portes et la Coeur de la Russi", Catherine Prelaz, La Suisse, November 18; Geneva, Switzerland. "Turovsky out of URSS!", Francois Vacher, Le Progress, December 19; Lyon, France. 1990 "Reinventer la Vie", C.R., Lyon Matin, December 21; Lyon, France. "Turovsky Un Great Ressuscite'", Adrian Darmon, Dossier, November; France. "Turovsky a Paris: un Triumphe", Art et Valeur #19; France. 1989 "Paintings by Turovsky", Sergei Hollerbach, Russian Daily, March 30; New York, USA. 1988 Conversations With Mikhail Turovsky", Palmer Poroner, Art Speak, December; New York, USA. "A Passion to Create", Douglas Martin, The New York Times, September 23; New York, USA. BACK Television and Radio Reviews 2001 "Close Up", S. Kuzin, Radio Ukraine International, June 27, 28, July 23. "Good Morning, Ukraine." N. Steshenko, June 20. 2000 Running Start: Mikhail Turovsky", Documentary Film, A. Kanevsky, Dir., July, WMNB, New York. 1998 FR3 Nice, Fabrice Turpin, Jean-Ives Pautrat, 2/14/98 1993 FR3 Nice, Jean Marie Molinengo, 12/13/98 1991 "Ovation Moscow", S. Mulukov, October 19; Moscow, Russia. FR3 Aquitaine, J.P. Dinand, M. Boulliez, October 22; Bordeaux, France. "Geneva News", Anne Bruschweiler, November 22; Geneva, Switzerland. "FR3 News", C. Donnet, J. Genevey, December 19; Lyon, France. "Before and After Midnight", Vladimir Molchanov, December 21; Moscow, Russia. Education Post-post graduate study at Moscow Academy of Art; Moscow, Russia. MFA 1960, Kiev Academy of Art; Kiev, Ukraine.
Mikhail Turovsky is an American artist-painter, and writer-aphorist, resident of New York since 1979. Early life and education Mikhail Turovsky was born in 1933 in Kiev. During the Second World War, he was evacuated to Samarkand with his mother and