Nina Paull


About the artist:

The world of Nina Paull's paintings is a dualistic one that stimulates both illusion and literal experiences. The first illusions one perceives while looking at her is the traditional one of seeing autonomous forms in an empty three - dimensional space. The pure color of these forms helps to separate them visually. Paull's illusionistic space, however, is deeper than that of a cubist painting. The free movement of these forms is only loosely restrained by the ribbon like shape of varying color and dimension that encircle them. The colors which these irregular shaped forms share in common also unite them. The forms of Paull's painting are not rationally deduced from prior design. They are intuitively balanced and placed in an order that is felt. It is this intuitive mode of composition that sustains the apparent free movement of these paintings.

Nina Paull


(3 works)

About the artist:

The world of Nina Paull's paintings is a dualistic one that stimulates both illusion and literal experiences. The first illusions one perceives while looking at her is the traditional one of seeing autonomous forms in an empty three - dimensional

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