Oliviero Masi
Italian (1948)
About the artist:
Oliviero Masi was born in Busto Arsizio in 1948, lives and works in the Oltrepò Pavese. His works are exhibited in galleries, museums and collections around the world. Exhibitions: 1967 - Palace of the ' exposure -Busto Arsizio 1969 -L ' Porthole - Cagliari 1970- The Chain - Sassari 1970- Gallery - SIAE Sassari 1971 -La Griselda Studio d ' art -Ispra 1972- Gallery -Milano Cadorna 1973 -Centre de la Haie -Cholet (France) 1973 - Libraries Munipale -Saumur (France) 1973/74-Gallerie Carlevaro - Genoa 1973 - Paris - Transposition Galleries 1974 - Castello di Varese Ligure 1975 Gallery - Artist ' s road- Cagliari 1975 - The Willow -Milano S. 1976 - Gallery Anna- Ispra Gallery 1976 - 14 Juillet -Milano The Board 1977/78/79-Galleria - Cagliari 1978 Press - National -Milano 1979 - National Museum d ' Art -La Paz ( Bolivia) 1979 - Municipal Hall - Cochabamba ( Bolivia) 1979 Re - Ils de - France 1979 - Technical University of Oruro -Bolivia 1980/81-Il porch - Nuoro 1982 - Gallery - Palmieri Milan 1982 - The Palette - Trent 1982/83/84/85-Summer Exhibition Royal Academy -London (UK) 1983 - The Ladder - Genoa Gabor ltd. - 1983 - Toronto (Canada) 1983 -International Gallery -Cape Town ( S.A. ) 1983 Design - Animation- Johannesburg ( S.A. ) S. 1984 - Gallery Carlo -Rome Gallery 1985 - 28 -Torino 1985 - John Szoke Graphics -New York 1985 Mark Gallery -New York -New 1986/88-Barret Gallery- El Paso (Texas) 1987 - The Quadrangle -Milano 1987/89/92/97-Il Torchio di Porta Romana Milan - 1987 - The Battifoglio-Imperia/Oneglia 1988 -Robertson Gallery- Beverly Hills ( California) 1988/89-John Szoke - Art Expo New York 1988 - Gallera Principe Real Lisbon - Ovens 1989 - Graphic Art Expo - Bologna 1989 - Ancient castle on the sea - Rapallo Ge Gallery 1989 - L ' Oleander - Noli 1989 - Cultural Center Scipione Admired - Lecce 1989/92-Galleria Cona -Savona 1990/92/93/95-Galleria Beaux Arts- Siena 1990 Gallery - Garden City - Pavia 1990 - Gallery - Pedrani Legnani 1991 - Castle -Varese Jerago Gallery 1992 - Caps- the Rieti 1992 -Island Shangri -La Hong Kong - 1992 - Gallery - The Tamarisk Milan 1992 - Quad- Eye Gallery Argenta 1992 - Gallery Cona -Savona 1992 - Il Torchio di Porta Romana Milan - 1992 - Botteguccia d ' Art Tarea -Aosta Gallery 1993 - Caps- The Rieti 1994 - Gallery Cona -Savona 1994 - Regent Hotel Auckland -New Zealand 1995 - Zebra One Gallery , London - U.K . 1995 to Joao Gallery , Cape Town - S.A. . 1995 - Gallery - Robbiati Caronno Pertusella 1996 - Town Hall - Varzi 1996 - Zebra One Gallery , London - U.K . 1996 - Botteguccia d ' Art Tarea -Aosta 1996 - Misûlgan Hânwon - Seoul - Korea 1997 - Gallery - Lipanjepuntin Trieste 1997 - Torchio di Porta Romana Milan - 1997/98/99/00-Zebra Two Gallery, London - U.K . 1997 -Galleria Manzoni -Torino 1998 - Gallery - Robbiati Caronno Pertusella 1998 to Chasen Galleries, Sarasota -Florida 1999 - Botteguccia d ' Art -Aosta 2000 -Art Expo Behr - Thyssen- New York 2000 -Galleria Tornabuoni Florence - 2000 Art - more - Borgosesia 2001 - Gallery Springmann -Freiburg 1994/95/96/97/98/99/00/01-Gabrielle Churchouse Studio- Hong Kong 2002 - Gallery Springmann -Freiburg 2002 - Two Zebra Gallery, London - U.K . 2002 - Galleria Tornabuoni Florence - 2002 Gallery - Ostendorf -Munster 2002 - Gallery - Darmstadt Langheinz 2003 - Graffiti - center - Avalon Trieste 2003 - Young Hall , Civic Theatre - Tortona 2003 2004 Zebra Two London 2005 Castle Zavattarello PV 2005 Galerie Kunsthaus Schill , Stuttgart ( Germany) 2005 Castle Zavattarello 2006 Pinacoteca Palazzo Guidobono Tortona 2006 Palazzo Patrizi academy tingle of Siena 2007 Art Galerie Elwert Baden Baden Germany 2008 Gallery Ostendorf -Munster Germany 2008 Gallery Springmann Germany
Oliviero Masi was born in Busto Arsizio in 1948, lives and works in the Oltrepò Pavese. His works are exhibited in galleries, museums and collections around the world. Exhibitions: 1967 - Palace of the ' exposure -Busto Arsizio 1969 -L '