Orlando Rosadio-Clemente DiMatteo (aka OR-DiMA)

American (1946)

About the artist:

Born August 30th 1946 in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA OR-DiMA has been drawing since 8 years old, when one of his teachers singled him out for his drawing talent. 1972 - B.S. in Art, ceramic sculpture, Arizona State University. 1987 - Graduate study at Stony Brook, Long Island, NY; Critical Theory of Art History. Two Folios of erotic drawings purchased by a member of the board of MOMA, NY. 1988 exhibitor, New Mexico Arts & Crafts Fair, Albuquerque, NM. 1992 - One Man show of graphic drawings: The Grandmother Series; Heart Gallery Artist Co-op of LC, NM. 1994 - 2 quasi-erotic drawings exhibited in the Governor's Show; Santa Fe, NM. 1997 - Exhibited 9 large drawings as part of 3-man Gala Show opening the new Branigan Annex gallery, Branigan Cultural Center, Las Cruces, NM. 1999 - Exhibited collection of drawings at the Stele Gallery; Las Cruces, NM 2005 - Exhibted at 2005 Regional Invitational, Mary Ann Redding, curatore; NM State University Art Gallery, Las Cruces, NM.

Orlando Rosadio-Clemente DiMatteo (aka OR-DiMA)

American (1946)

(4 works)

About the artist:

Born August 30th 1946 in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA OR-DiMA has been drawing since 8 years old, when one of his teachers singled him out for his drawing talent. 1972 - B.S. in Art, ceramic sculpture, Arizona State University. 1987 - Graduate study

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