About the artist:
Otavio Roth (Sao Paolo 1952 - s.l. 1993). Writer, graphic designer, illustrator and teacher. In 1971, a scholarship, he travels to Israel where he begins his activity as a photographer. The following year, in São Paulo, joins the course of advertising the School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM). Go to London in 1974 where, influenced by Paul Pietch, learn techniques of printmaking and papermaking and craft, with a British Council scholarship, graduating in art and design at Hornsey College of Art in 1977. That year, he moved to Oslo and acts as a designer, illustrator and writer until 1979, when, back in St. Paul, founded the Handmade Paper Workshop, the first factory of handmade paper from Brazil. Also in 1979, an album of their 30 linoleum is published by CJS Graphics, New York, is named Best Writer of the Year by the São Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA) and creates woodcuts for the first edition of Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award Amnesty and Human Rights. In the 1980s, continues his research on papermaking and conducts workshops and courses at several institutions, including the ESPM, University of São Paulo (USP) and the Center for the Book Arts in New York. In this city, in 1981, works as an assistant to Chuck Close and has their pictures on the human rights set out in the headquarters of the United Nations (UN). Among his publications, there is an adjustment that does, in partnership with Ruth Richardson, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, aimed at children. Otavio Roth is a published author of children's books. Published credits of Otavio Roth include El Libro Delas Tintas, El Libro de Los Gestos y Las Senales, and Blue and Beautiful: Planet Earth, Our Home.