Robert Humblot

French (1907–1962)

About the artist:

1907 Birth of Robert Humblot May 13 Fontenay sous Bois. His father, painting contractor, was of Lorraine and her mother from a family of Burgundy. Very young, he is passionate about natural science and studied mycology at the Museum of Natural History. 1926 At 19, he published in the Bulletin of the Mycological Society of France his first scientific articles, he shows himself. 1930 He took art classes in various academies including free Colarossi and Grande Chaumiere. 1931 Humblot between the fine arts as a free student in the studio of Lucien Simon where he met Georges Rohner, Henry and Jacques JANNOT DESPIERRE. He exhibited for the first time at the Salon des Independants, living to which he will attend regularly until 1950. 1933 First group exhibition including Humblot, GRUBER, DESPIERRE, Auricoste and Rohner, Galerie Carmine, rue de Seine. Carmine Gallery: Exhibition "The life of Madame Venus" with Humblot, GRUBER, CHASSANY, COX, DESPIERRE, Rohner, and KRETZ ULLMAN. 1934 Second group show in the same gallery, attended Colette Beley, Henry JANNOT, Jean Georges and LASNE ROHNER. During 1934, two exhibitions: "The Painters of Reality in France in the seventeenth century" at Musée de l'Orangerie and "The Dwarf, paintings and drawings" at the Petit Palais, profoundly these young painters. At the request of the painter Charles DUFRESNE, F. GRUBER organizing a room at the "Salon des Tuileries" with, in the central panel, works by Rohner, JANNOT and Humblot (Portrait of Woman Chassany also said the guitar). 1935 HUMBLOT founded with JANNOT, LASNE, Rohner, PELLAN and TAL-COAT, joined by the critic Henri HERAULT, the group "New Forces", arguing the urgent need for "back to the drawing, the return to business conscientious tradition." April: the first group exhibition "New Forces" by Pierre at Galerie Billiet Worms - Worms, rue de la Boetie. 1936 January: 1st Exhibition of New Generation created by Henry Herald, Jean Charpentier Gallery. Alongside HUMBLOT expose BRIANCHON, Leonor Fini, André MARCHAND, Legueult, OUDOT, Rohner, TAL-COAT, Gimondi, COUTURlER, etc ... March: 2nd exhibition of "New Forces", Billiet-Worms Gallery, presented by the Spanish writer Eugenio d'Ors that are not participating TAL-COAT PELLAN or who are estranged from the group. Young painters are now defended by Raymond Cogniat, Gaston Diehl, Jacques and Michel LASSAIGNE Florisoone. First solo exhibition of Robert Humblot, gallery Billiet-Worms. 1937 Georges HUISMAN then Minister of Fine Arts buys Nude Lying for the Museum of Grenoble. February-March: Raymond Cogniat this gallery of the Fine Arts "Exhibition of Young Artists". Robert Humblot to expose the horrors of war, the love of the Minotaur, the abortionist and drawings. June: Robert Humblot exhibits several paintings from Billiet - Worms which the horrors of war. Trip to Italy during which he visited Florence, Siena and Rome. 1938 2nd exhibition of "New Generation" gallery Billiet-Worms. Henri HERAULT Manifesto entitled "Out" countersigned by 23 of 36 exhibitors. 1939 April-May: Exhibition "New Forces", Herald, Humblot, JANNOT, Rohner Gallery Berri-Van der Klip, sponsored by Georges Huisman, Director General of Fine Arts and a preface by Jacques LASSAIGNE. Other exhibits at the Salon des Tuileries and Breteau Gallery: "30 artists: Youth Today, Masters of Tomorrow". Exhibition "The Paris Painters of Today" at the Museum of Modern Art in Washington. September: During the war some paintings of Robert Humblot are stolen or destroyed. The group Forces Nouvelles bursts. 1940-1941 HUMBLOT was taken prisoner, was taken in Germany from which he escaped twice. 1941 After a few months in Villefranche sur Mer, where he painted for the first time landscapes in the open air, he resumed contact with the artists during a six-month stay in Oppède in the Vaucluse. He exhibited paintings of this period Friedland Gallery. 1942 January: Exhibition Gallery Berri-Raspail "stages of the New Art" organized by Gaston Diehl involving HUMBLOT DESPIERRE, LASNE, TAL-COAT, BELMONDO, COUTURIER, Marcel Gili, etc ... 1941-1942-1943 Group's exposure to the name remained the "New Forces". 1943 After last winter in the Auvergne, HUMBLOT back in the forest of Fontainebleau and begins a long series of landscapes of this region. Meanwhile, he became interested in rock art of the Massif de Fontainebleau and discovered numerous caves carved. At that time the paintings of Robert Humblot are outlined in the galleries of France and Van der Klip sharing the first contract of the painter. 1945 Special exhibition gallery Barrero. December: Exhibition Gallery Claude particular. 1946 November: New special exhibition gallery Chabanon. 1947 HUMBLOT began exhibiting regularly Framond gallery. Exhibition organized by Georges de Braux in Philadelphia. The Castaway is exposed to the Whitney Museum in New York. April: Travel to Holland with his wife and Georges Rohner. December 1947-January 1948: Gallery Chabanon, HUMBLOT displays landscapes of Holland and the Ile-de-France. 1950 Exhibition HUMBLOT - OUDOT Framond gallery. 1951 October-November: Exhibition Gallery Framond particular. December: Exhibition "Portraits in a mirror or the Company of a painter" in the same gallery. 1952 January: He gets the price Conte - Careers with the Portrait of Jacqueline. He spent the summer in the Auvergne where he brought back many landscapes. 1953 January-February: Exhibition at the gallery of the Elysée-Methey with Yves and Jacques BRAYER DESPIERRE. The Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris Saint Yvoine buys. Special exhibition gallery Framond. He spent some time in La Gaude, in the Alpes Maritimes. July: He won the Grand Prix of the Biennale de Menton with the Village Perier. 1954 July: Robert Humblot stays in Venice and then to La Gaude. It outlines the hunger and fear at the Salon d'Automne. 1955 HUMBLOT made a trip to St. Guénolé in Britain and the Baux de Provence. November: One-man show of his recent works gallery Romanet Avenue Matignon, where his paintings are now regularly exposed. 1956 He spent the spring and fall in Baux de Provence, and summer in Brittany. 1957 He crossed Africa from Algiers in the Belgian Congo. Exhibition "Enchantment of the real" gallery Romanet. 1958 April-May: Major solo exhibition at the Musée de l'Athénée in Geneva. It gets the l Grand Prize of the Biennale of Jansonne Still life with fish. 1959 January: Exhibition HUMBLOT "The great contemporary masters" to "Janson". Journey to the West Indies where he painted a series of paintings for the catalog Nicolas. Stay in Mexico. 1961 New Britain stays in the South, to Ushant for the preparation of the book "The Daughters of Rain." November-December: Last solo exhibition gallery Romanet. 1962 March 14: Robert Humblot died in Paris. Publication of the Praise of Robert Humblot Claude Roger Marx. October-November: A Retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. 1963 Group exhibition in Mexico City. 1964 October-November: Major exhibition at the Musée Galliera HUMBLOT. 1965 Publication of "The Daughters of the rain" by Savignon (Éditions Robert Leger). 1966 April-May: Retrospective in the Castle - Museum of Cagnes. June-July: Retrospective at the Musée Calvet in Avignon. October: special exhibition gallery in Paris, Place François 1er. 1968 April: Retrospective exhibition at the Musée Toulouse Lautrec in Albi. July-September: Retrospective exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Quimper. 1970 Exhibition Gallery David Avenue Matignon. 1973 February-April: Retrospective Galerie des Granges, Geneva. 1976 October-November: Tribute to Robert Humblot at the Salon d'Automne. November: Exhibition Gallery Jaubert - Art Moderne in Paris. 1979 July-September: Exhibition at the Bastion Saint-André in Antibes. 1980 February-March: Exhibition "New Forces 1935 - 1939" at the Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris and the Musée des Beaux-Arts, and Strasbourg. September: A Retrospective at the Museum of HUMBLOT Figurative Contemporary Art in Fontainebleau. 1982 June: Tribute to the Living Watercolor and Drawing. 1985 June: A Tribute to Robert Humblot at the Salon de Fontainebleau organized by the School of Moret. 1987 October: A Tribute to Robert Humblot the Salon d'Automne (Grand Palace). 1988 November-December: Paris, Bernheim-Jeune "Robert Humblot." 1989 October: Paris, Porte des Lilas - 41th Salon de l'Etoile Gold Lilac - "Tribute to HUMBLOT". November-December: Charenton - 37th Salon de Charenton, National Union are French Artists. 1990 September: City of Fontainebleau - trip to Europe. 1991 March-April: lssoire - Nicolas Pomel Cultural Center "Retrospective Robert Humblot." November: Montmorency, Montmorency salon ~ XX "Homage to Robert Humblot." 1992 January: Paris, Grand Palais, 3rd International Exhibition for Museums and Exhibitions: SIME (secretary of veterans) "Frescoes of the Maginot Line." May-June: Fontainebleau, Fontainebleau Biennale, 40th anniversary of the Ecole de Moret "Antoine Bourdelle, painter and contemporary artists." October Montgeron, Montgeron Association of Arts, 44th Exhibition "Humblot and his time." 1993 February: Paris, Grand Palais, Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts "Biennial 1993" (1890-1993). Tribute to Robert Humblot. 1994 July-September: Bourdelles Castle in Perigord, National Society of Fine Arts "Resources of the landscape." 1995 March-May: Orleans Museum of Fine Arts, "The Popular Front and modern art." Tribute to Jean Zay October lssy-les-Moulineaux, Museum of the playing card, reproduction of the painting "The Card Players". 1997 February-May: Paris, Museum of Modern Art in Paris city e "30 Years in Europe. - The threatening weather from 1929 to 1939." 1998 March: Paris, Fondation Rothschild, Drawing black and white. May-June: Lagord, 3rd Salon of Painting "Quiet Life" - around Francis Gruber.

Robert Humblot

French (1907–1962)

(2 works)

About the artist:

1907 Birth of Robert Humblot May 13 Fontenay sous Bois. His father, painting contractor, was of Lorraine and her mother from a family of Burgundy. Very young, he is passionate about natural science and studied mycology at the Museum of Natural

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