Rogelio Cabrera

Mexican (1967)

About the artist:

Attracted early age for painting, Rogelio Cabrera's works usually using a conceptual point of view and deep, with great chromatic richness. Dreams, emotions, light, problems are constant protagonists of his work, using different techniques, materials and unusual media as parts of old furniture, packaging products for human consumption etc.

Cabrera studied art history and visual arts in the regional Institute of Fine Arts in Cuernavaca México, besides being graduate degree in architecture from Autonomous University of Morelos México.

Rogelio Cabrera

Mexican (1967)

(2 works)

About the artist:

Attracted early age for painting, Rogelio Cabrera's works usually using a conceptual point of view and deep, with great chromatic richness. Dreams, emotions, light, problems are constant protagonists of his work, using different techniques,

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