Roger Selden

American (1945)

About the artist:

Born in New York in 1945. Roger Selden's love of art started early. He studied at the Brooklyn Museum from 1957 to 1962, he attended the Tyler School of Fine Arts in Philadelphia where he received his BFA in 1966. In the summer of 1964 he studied painting and graphics in Paris. In 1966 he went to Italy where he did graduate work and obtained his MFA at the Tyler School of Fine Arts, Rome, in 1968. Today he has his studio in Milan and produces paintings which are successfully exhibited in galleries in all the major European art cities. His paintings captivate viewers with their positivity and colorfulness. Roger Selden undertook many different projects with unusual freshness and ease. Among them, the continuous collaboration with Sieger-Design, Ritzenhoff, Ducati and many others. In 1997 Roger Selden was appointed to design the windows of the newly restored Synagogue of Milan, first inaugurated in 1982. In 2002 he designed the artwork for Celentano's new album "Per Sempre". "Certain of Selden's works are puzzling and hermetic in their imagery and organization, while others can be understood as quickly as a blinking light at a train crossing. Certain works are crowded with ideas and gestures while others are as clean and elegant as a commercial designer's sketch. This visual schizophrenia comes about because Selden has not stifled one or another contrasting aspect of his personality for dogma's sake, but has put the various dialectical contradictions of his native easthetic to work for art's sake. Selden is confident enough in the eventuality of synthesis not to worry about too of his artworks not resembling one another." Peter Frank

Roger Selden

American (1945)

(5 works)

About the artist:

Born in New York in 1945. Roger Selden's love of art started early. He studied at the Brooklyn Museum from 1957 to 1962, he attended the Tyler School of Fine Arts in Philadelphia where he received his BFA in 1966. In the summer of 1964 he studied

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