Sergio Fergola

Italian (1936–1994)

About the artist:

Born in Naples in 1936. He worked, lived and exhibited in various Italian and foreign cities including Naples, Milan, Turin, Venice, Florence, Paris, Sydney and New York (his works to the Museum of Modern Art). In 1972 he was invited to the Venice Biennale and in 1974 at the Biennale di Milano. In 1950 it was close to the Nuclear Movement with Enrico Baj, Joe Colombo, Mario Colucci, Sergio Dangelo, Lucio Del Pezzo, Bruno di Bello, Piero Manzoni, Mario Persico. And then founded the Group 58 together with Del Pezzo Di Bello and Persian. In this period, it shows the possibility of painting to focus on their means of expression between the imaginary and the literary, with references to expressionism, the experience accomplished by studying the manual of Calder and the action painting of Pollock, and all elements of the his classical training from Van Eyck to versatile court artist Cosimo Tura. He collaborates Document South and then to the magazine Continuum. The 58 Group was created to "close the tap nagging unconscious and to build a bridge between the present of our spiritual civilization and the origin, showing how this civilization is still able to sing with simplicity dawns primordial buttons in memory of his blood ". In those years also it develops the terms of the problem of "nature artificialis" specified by Barletta himself in a book published in 1961 entitled The Limbo Nature artificialis and the interior and leave the informal language to adopt the technique derived from the Dadaist collage polimaterico, using everyday objects and establishes a synergy with the Nuclear Movement in Milan with Enrico Baj, much to expose together, and with the movement nuclearists Neapolitan, which Colucci and Guido Biasi are the main actors, and mark that enrichment of the expressive language of image and word, between writing, drawing and poetry, which will remain as a legacy in the following years, between experimentation and tradition. Fergola writing and signature in the "Manifeste de Naples". In the abstraction that "art is not only a philosophical concept and conventional. The art is not abstract, although there may be an abstract conception of art. This neo-Platonism has long been overtaken by events of modern science, and has no more reason to exist as a vital phenomenon and present ", we read in the" Manifeste de Naples "whose members also Enrico Baj and Sanguineti, then artists that we find in the Group 58 and others.

Sergio Fergola

Italian (1936–1994)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Born in Naples in 1936. He worked, lived and exhibited in various Italian and foreign cities including Naples, Milan, Turin, Venice, Florence, Paris, Sydney and New York (his works to the Museum of Modern Art). In 1972 he was invited to the Venice

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