About the artist:
SHELDON SCHONEBERG: Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1926. Formal art training began at the Chouinard Art Institute, Los Angeles, and continued at University of Southern California (B.F.A. Cum Laude, M.F.A. 1951), U.C.L.A., Academia di Bell Arti, Rome, Italy, and Universidad Michocana, Morelia, Mexico. He holds the academic rank of Full Professor, University of New York, New Paltz, and University of Maine, Gorham. One-man exhibitions include Galerie "Seine38," Paris, France, Harrison Galleries, Vancouver, B.C.Canada, Galerie Du Carlton, Cannes, France, Universita Popolare Di Padova, Italy, Kunsthandle Monet, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,Gallery Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, Ca., Intercontinental Artist Guild. Freeport, Grand Bahamas Island, Galerie Del Cisne, Madrid, Spain, Fisk University Art Museum, Nashville, Tennessee, Anne Frank House Gallery Amsterdam, Brooks Memorial Art Museum, Memphis, Tennessee, Galerie Modern Nordisk Kunst, Gothenburg, Sweden, and others throughout the United States. Known throughout the world for his sumptous pastels of female nudes, flowered women, exotic gypsies, costumed musicians, vagabonds, and lovable young women and children in all their youthful glory.