Stewart Hitch

American (1940–2002)

About the artist:

As an abstractionist, he naturally marked his work by flattened perspectives and geometric lines, but his paintings also had a Pop Art quality. He favored colors that were electric and intense -- ''occo socko,'' one friend described them. His signature shape was a star, which he hand-drew to give the image an explosive quality. ''He wanted it to have a rough libido, an unintellectual quality that rock 'n' roll has,'' said Mary Jones, an artist who rented studio space from him briefly. Awards: National Endowment for the Arts, 1993; The Adolph and Esther Gottleib Foundation, 1992; Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Grant, 1987; National Endowment for the Arts, 1987; New York foundation for the Arts, 1987; and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Grant for the Arts and Sciences, 1968 Exhibitions: Stewart Hitch's artwork has been exhibited nationally. Selected Solo exhibitions include: Ruth Seigel Gallery, New York, 1990; Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, 1987; Kingsboro Community College, New York, 1985; and Harm Bouckaert Gallery, New York, 1983. Selected recent group exhibitions include: New York Abstract Painting, New York, 1997; Landfall Press Prints, Chicago, 1997; Prints, Milwauke Art Center, 1995; Van Dam Show, New York, 1994; Blondie's, New York, 1994 and 1993; Douglas Drake Gallery, New York, 1993; Prints, University of Ohio, Columbus, 1992; Abstract Painting of the 90's, Andre Emmerich Gallery, New York, 1992; and New Prints, Michael Walls Gallery, New York, 1992. Selected Public and Corporate Collections: The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CT; The Brooklyn Museum, New York City, NY; The Ewing Museum, Normal, IL; Fondation Fine Art of the Century, Geneva, Switzerland; The Herbert F. Johnson Museum, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; Millbank, Twee, Hadley & McCoy, New York City, NY; Mulvane Art Center, Topeka, KS; The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; Art Bank, Washington, DC; Arthur Anderson & Co., Chicago, IL; Art Options, New York City, NY; Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City; Chemical Bank, New York City, NY; Hospital Corporation, New York, NY; IBM Corporation, NY; Prudential Insurance Corporation, NY; Quad/Graphics, Peewaukee, WI; The Eli Broad Foundation, Los Angeles, CA

Stewart Hitch

American (1940–2002)

(1 works)

About the artist:

As an abstractionist, he naturally marked his work by flattened perspectives and geometric lines, but his paintings also had a Pop Art quality. He favored colors that were electric and intense -- ''occo socko,'' one friend described them. His

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