Suzanne White


About the artist:

Being an artist during these times is a matter of survival and an act of resistance in a failing world. It is a search for meaning, hope, and strength through a personal vision and a life lived with love, passion, and the search for a "State of Grace".

Trained as a painter, Suzanne studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University. She was a two-time winner of the prestigious William Paige and Kate Morse Traveling Fellowships, awarded by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. After receiving the first of these awards, she spent over a year on the road traveling alone, overland, through Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Far East. In the 1980’s and 90’s she made extended trips to South America to study birds in the Amazon basin and Central America.

Suzanne White


(1 works)

About the artist:

Being an artist during these times is a matter of survival and an act of resistance in a failing world. It is a search for meaning, hope, and strength through a personal vision and a life lived with love, passion, and the search for a "State of

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