Thomas Kerry


About the artist:

I first came accross Tom Kerry's work in the mid to late 1960's. His paintings were frequently offered at a small storefront auction house, in Baldwin, Long Island, New York. The auctions we usually held on Friday evenings, and were very well attended. It was better that going to the movies, as far as entertainment was concerned. They auctioned off an eclectic array of items, from household utensils, to antique furniture, and artwork. Somehow, Tom Kerry's work was regularly offered during the auctions. Tom's art is very detailed in nature. Later, I was able to contact Tom directly. He invited my wife and I to his home/studio, which as best as I recall was in North Babylon (LI NY). We purchased a painting at that time from him directly. The paint was still "wet" when we acquired it, and it has been hanging in a place of prominence in our home ever since. I would estimate that to be about 35 years or so. Several years passed since our purchase, and once again came across Tom at a " Mall" show. He was a pleasant, eccentric sort of person, and his apparel trademark was a sailors cap, which he seemed to always have on. by Bill Connolly

Thomas Kerry


( works)

About the artist:

I first came accross Tom Kerry's work in the mid to late 1960's. His paintings were frequently offered at a small storefront auction house, in Baldwin, Long Island, New York. The auctions we usually held on Friday evenings, and were very well

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