Wolfgang Volz

German (1948)

About the artist:

1948 born in Tuttlingen, Germany. until 1968 Traditional education including classical languages. Short life in a rockband, carpentry and other fun things. 1969 Photography class with Prof. Otto Steinert, at the University Folkwangschule, Essen, Germany. 1971 Meet the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude for the fi rst time, marking the beginning of a beautiful friendship and collaboration. 1974 Final exam in photography with Prof. Erich vom Endt at Folkwangschule with a planetary travel guide of planet earth. Work as picture-journalist for publications world-wide specialising in science and technology. 1975 First exhibitions (leading to more than 400 gallery- and museum exhibitions around the world.) 1977-86 Realisation of more than 100 covers for business magazines „Wirtschaftswoche“ and „DM“. 1978 First prize of „Deutscher Wirtschaftsfoto Preis“. 1980 - 2004 Photography of The Secrets of Science in many stories for „GEO“ and „Bild der Wissenschaft“ . 1988 Sylvia and Wolfgang are married by Tom Golden, project director of the yellow Umbrellas, on top of the Grapevine near Bakersfi eld, California during the staking of Christo and Jeanne-Claude‘s Umbrellas. 1995 Exclusive photographer and co-director with Roland Specker, for „Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-95“.1996 Infi nity Award for Applied Photography International Center of Photography, New York. 1997 - 2004 Photography for corporate annual reports for DaimlerChrysler, Siemens and Buderus. 1998 Exclusive photographer and co-director with Josy Kraft, for „Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Wrapped Trees, Fondation Beyeler, Berower Park, Riehen/Basel, Schweiz“ 1999 Exclusive photographer and technical director for the indoor installation „Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Wall, 13.000 Oilbarrels, Gasometer, Oberhausen, Germany“. 2001 Exhibition director for the exhibition “Blaues Gold – Blue Gold”, Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany. 2002 „China Landscape“ Ludwig Galerie; Schloss Oberhausen, Germany. 2003 „CHINA-USA Landscapes by Wolfgang Volz“ Museum Haus Ludwig für Kunstausstellungen Saarlouis, Germany. „ManMade Planet - Photographien von Wolfgang Volz“ LUDWIG GALERIE; Schloss Oberhausen, Germany. 2004 „ManMade Planet - Photographies by Wolfgang Volz“ Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary. „ManMade Planet - Photographien von Wolfgang Volz“ Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany. 2005 „ManMade Planet - Photographies by Wolfgang Volz“ Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA. Realisation of the work of art: Exclusive photographer for „Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates, Central Park , New York City, 1979-2005” “Natur wird Landschaft” Photo-Exhibition Kunstverein & Stiftung Springhornhof, Germany. 2006 „Wolfgang Volz - Das Auge von Christo und Jeanne-Claude“ Museum Haus Ludwig für Kunstausstellungen Saarlouis, Germany. Wolfgang Volz „Photographien von Kunstlandschaften“ Kunstverein Region Heinsberg, Germany. „Wolfgang Volz - Das Auge von Christo und Jeanne-Claude“ Kunsthalle Erfurt. Germany

Wolfgang Volz

German (1948)

( works)

About the artist:

1948 born in Tuttlingen, Germany. until 1968 Traditional education including classical languages. Short life in a rockband, carpentry and other fun things. 1969 Photography class with Prof. Otto Steinert, at the University Folkwangschule, Essen,

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